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once the fundamentally metaphysical ideas of Das Prinzip derWissenschaft are compared with the ideas of his later works.183 This is because even if Hägerström held that his later standpoint was nothing but a clarification of his earlier standpoint, the premises of the two works allow fundamentally different conclusions about the relationship between“reality”/“being”and“self-identity” than would be the case if there existed no fundamental differences in the definitions of the discussed concepts. It is as Konrad MarcWogau observes: If the concepts “reality” and “self-identity” express the same thing, then they must be identical.And since “reality”/“being” and “self-identity” are identical concepts, then they necessarily must have an unequivocally determinate relationship towards one another, a relationship indicating identity rather than correlativity. Reality is therefore self-identity andvice versa. Selfidentity is, therefore, according to Hägerström’s new position, no longer a concept presupposing the concept of reality, but selfidentity is reality.The twin concept does thus not merely indicate the self-identity of a specific thing, but is actually that very self-identity itself, as to its own concept.184 A problem closely connected to Hägerström’s proposition that reality and self-identity are correlative concepts (Das Prinzip der Wissenschaft)185 is the problem that correlativity cannot constitute the type of relationship between reality and self-identity which Hägerström sought to establish. The sought-after relationship must, in order to satisfy Hägerström’s scientific requirements, reduce the number of possible alternative correlates of reality and self-identity to an absolute minimum, or else fail to demonstrate that there exists an absolutely necessary, all-excluding, relationship between reality and self-identity. p a r t i 1 , c h a p t e r 3 92 183 Ibid. 184 Ibid; Hägerström, Selbstdarstellungen, p. 18; P. d.W., pp. 87-127, especially 88-89. 185 Hägerström, P. d.W., pp. 87-89; Selbstdarstellungen, p. 18. 3. 3. 2 corre lat ivi ty and ident i ty