RS 22

Preface The Institute for Legal Historical Research, founded by Gustav and Garin Olin - The Olin Foundation- celebrated in November 1997 its 50''’ anniversary with an international symposium in Stockholm, where the Board of the foundation is seated. The Symposiumwas located in the Palace of Carl Gustaf Wrangel, today facilities for Svea hovrätt (The Stockholm Court of Appeal) (November, 19) and in the Nobility House (November, 20-21). As Gustav Olin was a judge in Svea hovrätt the Board found it appropriate to celebrate the foundation and its history in the Plenary Hall of the Court. At this occasion the Chief Judge Johan Hirschfeldt gave the honorary lecture: “Svea hovrätt preparing its fourth centennial: The Planning of a longue durée History of the Court”. Day two was devoted to Swedish/Nordic Legal History and consisted of three parts. First the three Swedish professors of legal history gave presentations about their views on legal history in the law school curriculumat their universities. After lunch a panel was set up with some Swedish law professors and law practitioners discussing “Legal History in Theory and Practice”. The day coneluded with presentations made by representatives for legal history in the Nordic countries over the theme “Legal History and Harmonization of Nordic Law”. The language this day was Swedish and other Scandinavian languages. The third day of the symposiumwas the international one. In the morning Professor Michael Stolleis and Professor Robert W. Gordon lectured over the theme “Swedish Legal History in an International Context” froma European (German) and an American (U.S.A.) perspective. In the afternoon legal historians fromseveral European countries brought up themes about the current sitnation for legal history in their countries related to the ongoing unification of European law. The presentations ended with a session with two contributions about the role of legal history in the reconstruction of the Post-Soviet states in the Baltic Sea Area in the 1990’s (Estonia and Poland). The languages this day was English and German. All the contributions to this volume are published in the formit had at the symposium- with one exception. Professor Cappellinis lecture is published in Swedish translation. Two speeches held at the banquet in the Nobility house conclude the volume. This volume is illustrated with photos taken by Albert Wiking, photographer in Lund. The pictures showenvironments with affiliation to the Olin Foundation and to this symposium. Lund, March 2002 Kjell Å Modéer