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the anti-subjectivistic standpoint, but Adolf Phalén who brought it to its final and most precise and coherent form.177 Anti-subjectivism has thus been defined as including the idea that consciousness necessarilly refers to something other than itself.178 It might therefore be of interest to give a brief description here of the development of Hägerström’s anti-subjectivistic position, especially because it is feasible that this will be of help when establishing the leading principles of Hägerström’s final philosophy. When it comes to establishing whether Hägerström advocates anti-subjectivism from1898or from1908one must take into consideration what the term anti-subjectivism means. For example, Nordin’s and Marc-Wogau’s interpretations of the term show considerable differences.While Nordin’s interpretation is strict, restricting Hägerström’s anti-subjectivism to a critique of subjectivism proper, Marc-Wogau’s interpretation is wider, including the critique of related issues such as idealism and realism.The choice of definition thus has relevance for the analysis of Hägerström’s anti-subjectivism. The question that must be asked in order to determine when Hägerström’s anti-subjectivism took shape therefore regards the point in time at which Hägerström’s anti-subjectivistic program was as completed in a manner that satisfies both Nordin’s and Marc-Wogau’s interpretations of anti-subjectivism. The reason is that this will help establish when Hägerström can be said to both be anti-subjectivistic as well as anti-realistic and anti- idealistic, thereby satisfying both Nordin’s and Marc-Wogau’s criteria of anti-subjectivism. In this case, it means that Marc-Wogau’s broader definition of anti-subjectivism is a better criterion than Nordin’s strict definition when it comes to deciding when Hägerström’s anti-subjectivism was fully accomplished. To start with Marc-Wogau’s interpretation of Das Prinzip der Wissenschaft inp a r t i 1 , c h a p t e r 3 90 177 Ibid. See Phalén,“Kritik av subjektivismen i olika former med särskild hänsyn tagen till transcendentalfilosofien,” in Adolf Phalén: Mindre arbeten, passim. 178 Hägerström, Selbstdarstellungen, p. 4. See also Marc-Wogau, Studier till Axel Hägerströms filosofi, p. 67.