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p a r t i 1 , c h a p t e r 1 36 knowledge seeking subject has scientific license to perform.The main subject matter of Hägerström’s philosophy is the analysis of metaphysics, which amounts to an analysis of subjectivism, and its incident phenomena idealism and realism. In general the terms are defined as follows: Subjectivism is the doctrine that the standards of valid knowledge and justified beliefs have their basis in our subjective beliefs; idealism is the doctrine that either, or both, reality and knowledge thereof is a function of the activities of the mind alone, and is spiritual to its nature; and finally, realism is the doctrine that reality exists independently of the mind and our perceptions of reality, in its extreme realism includes the notion that reality to its nature is incognizable (metaphysical realism). In1925 and 1929, Hägerström wrote two summaries of the general outlines of his scientific production and circulated them to a broader audience than his regular group of scholars and university students.1 In the first of these two summaries, a concise article entitled “Hägerström” published inFilosofiskt lexikon, Hägerström described his philosophy in a seemingly straightforward way as being mainly concerned with the fields of epistemology, moral philosophy, and legal philosophy.2 This characterization is rather interesting, since it shows the importance attributed to epistemological research. Furthermore, the characterization also indicates the general purpose of epistemological research, namely an ensuing application in specific fields of philosophy and science. In the latter summary, Die Philosophie der Gegenwart in Selbstdar1 häge r ström about häge r ström 1 Hägerström’s contribution to the philosphical series Hägerström, DieWissenschaft der Gegenwart in Selbstdarstellungen:Axel Hägerström, ed. Schmidt, vol.VII. Swedish translation: Hägerström, “Framställning av den egna filosofien,” in Filosofi och vetenskap. English translation: Hägerström, “A Summary of my Philosophy,” in Philosophy and Religion. The article Hägerström, “Hägerström,” in Filosofiskt lexikon. has also been translated into English. See: Hägerström, “The Philosophy of Axel Hägerström,” in Philosophy and Religion. 2 Hägerström, “Hägerström.”; “The Philosophy of Axel Hägerström.”