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Objective determinateness relates directly to the object itself, and strictly speaking it will actually only be disqualifying when we talk of abstract objects, such as concepts. However, objective determinateness is not disqualifying when we talk or think of concrete objects, physical things, since it is only abstract objects (concepts) that have the quality of being self-contradictory, while physical objects themselves either exist or do not exist. Physical objects are determined and determinable through their existence (self-identity) rather than through their validity (non-contradiction), and by virtue of their necessary self-identity physical objects can thus never be self-contradictory. Subjective determinateness relates to the subjective determination of an object (regardless of whether the object itself is abstract or concrete). Since objects in physical reality are real per se and exist, it is possible within the subjective frame of mind to combine excluding and contradicting determinations into ostensibly coherent complex concepts, to combine them into concepts that upon closer examination - analysis - reveal themselves to be contradictory.69 Hence, subjective determination can be demonstrated to be either contradictory or non-contradictory once confronted with either, or both, objective reality and formally valid concepts. (See also part II). Furthermore, it is only by way of, or through, subjective determination that concepts can systematize objects into coherent systems, which in turn form the basis for the conceptual determinateness of the things, which constitutes the factor helping the subject to distinguish and classify objects from one another (as discussed above).This is probably the reason why Hägerström claimed that the objects could be said to gain their determinateness through the concepts, in other words that objects are determined and distinguished by the subject. Hägerström’s choice of words p a r t i i i , c h a p t e r 2 190 69 Cf. Hägerström,“Hägerström.”;“The Philosophy of Axel Hägerström.” See also Hägerström, “Begreppet viljeförklaring,” pp. 99-100; “Declaration of Intention,” pp. 299-300.