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cal demands emanating from the subject’s point of view, and on the other, those demands that can be said to emanate from the object and its qualities.The determination of a concept - provided that such determination describes an object in an objective manner - takes its point of departure in the object itself and does so without: a) abandoning the logical demands and structures inherent in the subject; and b) transcending the reach of the subject. In other words, the determination of an object cannot discover das Ding an sich.The determination of concepts resembles a process in several steps, going from the determination of a single thing’s concept, a particular’s concept, to the inductive determination of a universal and from the universal to the logically determined, but conceptually guided, classification, and the systematization of concepts (and universals) into one coherent real world of experience.64 (See Part II,Chapter 5).However, how far should the subjective element in the determination of concepts be driven and emphasized? The only answer is that Hägerström considered that geometrical definitions, axioms, and concepts (being abstractions) lacked objective reality, but that they nevertheless possessed subjective reality (being non-contradictory concepts).65 In addition, it must be noted that Hägerström’s theory of concepts must also be contrasted to the objective side of conceptual determination, which brings us to the problem of conceptual realism. Hägerström’s theory of concepts (universals) allows for the interpretation that the concepts themselves possess reality independently of the subject;66 an idea that is definitely is related to realism. The reason is that Hägerström makes no clear distinction between the meanings attached to the “reality” and “existence” p a r t i i i , c h a p t e r 2 188 2 . 5 conce ptual real i sm 64 Hägerström, “B. o. F.,” pp. 82-85. 65 Cassirer, Hägerström, pp. 43-46; Marc-Wogau, Studier till Axel Hägerströms filosofi, p. 116. 66 Hägerström, “B. o. F.,” p. 82.