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by the inner and essential qualities of the object, and the same holds mutatis mutandis for concepts.209 Accordingly, differentiation is based upon the assumed existence of an inner quality of the object or concept rather than the external relationships amongst them. Hence, differentiation is based upon intrinsic qualities rather than upon extrinsic facts. However,in Selbstdarstellungen Hägerström abandons this idea and replaces it with a hypothesis, which defines the concept “determinateness” as that which is non-contradictory,or as the noun non-contradictoriness.“Determinateness” is hence no longer defined as something that, in addition to being non-contradictory, is also dependent of preconceived relations to other objects for its own (determinate) reality.210 Since essential metaphysics constantly strives towards defining reality with respect to the intrinsic and essential qualities of the objects rather than extrinsic facts, one can thus conclude thatMarc-Wogau is correct when he argues that Das Prinzip der Wissenschaft contains metaphysical ideas. A logical consequence of the view expressed inDas Prinzip der Wissenschaft is the following: Only an object or concept fulfilling the requisites of both being a non-contradictory object/concept and being an object/concept clearly demarcated from other things can be real.An abstraction is hereby neither real nor an expression of anything real.211 An abstraction thus lacks determinateness in the second sense, and thus lacks reality in general. So according toDas Prinzip derWissenschaft, certain abstract terms lack reality even though they are non-contradictory, rather than just lacking empirical referents, denotations. InSelbstdarstellungen, Hägerström presents a modification of the view expressed in Das Prinzip derWissenschaft.According to the modified view, abstract objects and concepts retain their specific reality and remain non-contradictory, which Hägerström denied p a r t i 1 , c h a p t e r 3 100 209 See Marc-Wogau, Studier till Axel Hägerströms filosofi, pp. 57-60. 210 Hägerström, Selbstdarstellungen, pp. 17-19; Marc-Wogau, Studier till Axel Hägerströms filosofi, pp. 57-60. 211 See Marc-Wogau, Studier till Axel Hägerströms filosofi, p. 57.