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169 was established between the competencies of the two colleges; it was emphasized that the kamcr-kollegiia was not to “issue any ukazes about payments from the treasury or from other revenues, nor of cash, for this the shtats-kontor-kollegiia alone is to do. This division of labor largely mirrored Swedish arrangements. The kammarkollegium had lost its jurisdiction over the formulation of the annual budget to the statskontoret when that organ had been elevated to the status of a separate college in 1680. And the kammarkollegium had also lost its right to assign or draw up orders of payment against the state revenues.The instruktion for the statskontoret issued in 1680 stated that “the disposition and assignation of all the king’s rents and all the revenues of the realm” was to fall to that office alone.The kammarkollegium was not to interfere with either of these two basic functions of the statskontoret, but after 1685 the kammarkollegium nevertheless had “met together with the statskontoret and discussed the budget. Lastly, the instruktsiia for the Russian kamcr-kollcgiia called for close cooperation with the revizion-kollegiia. “As soon as anyone is discovered, in the administration or accounting of His Majesty’s revenues, to have made inaccuracies or to have been entirely dishonest,” the kamer-kollegiia was to “inform the revizion-kollegiia of such a crime immediately. In accordance with the Swedish model, an officer, usually called an advokatfiskal in Sweden, but referred to as a kamer fiskal in Russia, was to inform the revizion-kollegiia of any inaccuracies discovered in the accounts and to see to it that matters “were taken care of correctly,” that is, that a summons was issued in the correct manner. The list of similarities between the activities of the kammarkollegium and the functions assigned by its instruktsiia to the corresponding Russian college could be made even longer, but the comparisons already presented should suffice to show that the Russian kamer-kollegiia was modeled on its Swedish prototype even when it came to its various functions. From the available Russian sources concerning the instruktsiia, however, it is clear that, without changing it in its entirety, the Russians adapted the Swedish system of treasury administration to Russian conditions. The organizational differences have been dealt with in detail above, and when ZA (no. 416, section 10: 4), 563. See the section on the shtats-kontor-kollegiia below, p. 204. Instruktioner II, 124. Relation, 39. ZA (no. 416, section 11: 1), 563. ZA (no. 416, section 11:2), 563; Förordning om rättegången i kammarrätten 1695, article 2, Instruktioner II, 182; Relation, 22. See also Hans Gillingsta.m, “Kammarkollegiets advokatsfiskalskontor och dess arkiv,” Arkivvetenskapliga studier, 3 (1962), 17—18. The kammarrevisionen obtained its own advokatsfiskal in 1720. ” 14G ” 14!) ” 150 148 150