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168 In 1713, however, the jurisdiction of the Swedish kommerskollegium over the customs duties was extended even further. A royal letter of that year stated that even “the small customs duties in the realm and the provinces” were to be placed under the supervision of that college. From 1713 on, therefore, the entire customs service fell under the authority of the kommerskollegium. Nonetheless, the kammarkollegium continued to issue authorizations for “inspectors and customs officers of the small customs duties.” Just where the customs administration really belonged became the subject of a debate between the kommerskollegium and the kammarkollegium during the second decade of the eighteenth century, and in the Formof Government of 1719 the kammarkollegium finally won jurisdiction over customs operations.But by that time the customs issue had altered character, since the great marine customs had been farmed out in 1717 for the year 1719 and thereafter.^^^ The Russian instruktsiia called for the cooperation of the kamer-kollegiia and the kommerts-kollegiia in yet another area, that is, concerning matters dealing with the mint {monetnoe delo). Section nineteen of the instruktsiia required the kamer-kollegiia to “consult with the kommerts-kollegiia concerning price and size” in cases where “there arises a need for any kind of A comparable practice concerning the mint had developed within 138 ” 142 com. the Swedish kammarkollegium. In the administrative report presented to the government in 1719, the college reported that it had met with the bergskollegium and the kommerskollegium concerning “the weight and constancy and the conserving of the dimensions in their correct essence {esse) and condition, mint was transferred in 1720 from the kamer-kollegiia to the berg- i manufaktur-kollegiia.^^^ According to the Russian instruktsiia, the kamer-kollegiia was also to maintain constant communications with the shtats-kontor-kollegia. The cooperation between these two colleges had to do primarily with the drawing up of the annual budget. It was the task of the kamer-kollegiia to review the lists of expenditures “in order to see whether all of the expenditures have a basis {osnovanie). In the Russian collegial system, however, the » 143 Otherwise, a clear delineation ” 145 Royal letter to kommerskollegium, November 17, 1713, RA, Riksregistratur. En kort berättelse om kammarverket, November 17, 1713, fol. 40, KKA, Skrivelser till Kungl. Maj:t. SRF, 75. Lars Gustaf Linde, Sveriges finansrätt (Stockholm, 1887), 32. ZA (no. 416), 566. En kort berättelse om kammarverket, November 17, 1713, fol. 49v, KKA, Skrivelser till Kungl.Maj :t. See above, p. 155. ZA (no. 416, section 10: 2), 563. 138 140 142