gegen staatliches Unrecht" (ib., italics mine). In sum, the reader is left with a sense ef a morallv binding iihcrgcsctzlicbvs Rccbt which ought to he applied in order to cc^rrect defectixe legislation. This narratixe gets added force as it comes toxxards the end of the hcxok as a sort of end lesson for the (often first-xear) student. .\nother, perhaps more surprising aspect of iihcrgcsctzlicbcs Rtrbf is found in Laufs' otherxx ise so positix istic chapter on the Ixnlightenment codifications, it is xvhat Radhruch calls c/;/ I crunufrecbt \\\ his list of bobcre Ri’cbu\ a higher laxv stemming from reason itself. In Laufs' commentarx' on the ScucStuatsiJa' Jcrciufgt’kL'irtai . Ihsolutismus, discussed against the notion of such a laxx, he concludes that "[i]n der rechtlichen Bindung des 1 lerrschers und Staates an die xorgegehenen /xvecke des Ciesellschaftsxertrages lag der I'ortschritt im \ergleich zum alten, religios-patriarchalischen Ahsolutismus" (174). .\s stated, the idea of a social contract is constructed as xvere Lauf's in agreement therexx ith. I'urther force to the x aliditx' of a 'laxx ' of'reason is gix en the reader in the folloxx ing statement: luusprangen die heiden Kcxiitlkarioiien, .\LR imd naeli deni inoriarcliiseh-ahsoluti.stischen Prin/.ip deni Reelitserzung.sakr des 1 lerrsehers, so hriiiispruibtai sic (loch chenso Cicltiiiig hntft ihrcr nnicrcu, vcruniifhrcbtlichcii Qjitilität (l(S^-, italics mine). Beyond the iihcrgcsctzlicbcs Rccbt and his built-in moral ox ertones, there is in Laufs’ chapter Rccbt toid l iirccbt dcr DDR another significant remark xxhich in my x’iexx adds force to the naturalist image: "/.xveimal xvährend dieses zu Ixnde gehenden )ahrhunderts, in der /eitspanne nur eines Menschenlehens, hahen deutsche Oiktaturen...das Recht schlechthin instrumentalisiert und seines Eigcn-d'crts herauht" (418, italics mine). I.axv has intrinsic x alue.^ I.axv as an end in itself' It max' seem a xvelcome manner of speaking in German}', 28