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tually led Hägerström to his rejection (circa 1905) of idealism and transcendentalism, enabling him to establish the foundations to an anti-subjectivistic philosophical doctrine.35 Hägerström’s break with subjectivism was not clean, his philosophy still had a few remnants of Kantian influence left within it (minus the absolute subjectivism of Kant). However, the Kantian influence that resurfaces after 1905 takes another form than the Kantian epistemological idealism characterizing Hägerström’s earlier period. One specific Kantian influence that recurs in Hägerström’s philosophy is Kant’s critical approach towards philosophical dogmas and problems,36 which is a body of influence most notably evident in the Uppsala School’s program of conceptual analysis, which can be described by reference to Kant’s anti-dogmatism. According to Hägerström’s own account of his early idealistic period it was just such an approach he adopted when he subjected Kantian epistemology to a critical analysis (so to say subjecting it to self-criticism), and upon its results established his own specifically anti-subjectivistic philosophical standpoint.37 There are however other opinions regarding the origin of Hägerström’s philosophy. Ernst Logren, Huvuddragen av Axel Hägerströms filosofi (1944), points to the fact that several of Hägerström’s thoughts and concepts have a Boströmian origin.38 Martin Fries (1898-1969) shows that Hägerström adopts Fichte’s subjectivistic point of departure and a few of Fichte’s concepts (“sätta” and “motsätta”), but that Hägerström attributes another meaning to Fichte’s theory and concepts.39 Though Hägerström uses a termia ca l l f o r s c i e n t i f i c p u r i t y 45 35 Hägerström, Selbstdarstellungen, pp. 1-5. 36 E.g., Hägerström, “Filosofien som vetenskap,”Filosofisk tidskrift 1 (1980). 37 Hägerström, Selbstdarstellungen, pp. 1-7. I have borrowed term “anti-subjectivism” as a descriptively accurate and therefore the most appropriate name for the epistemological standpoint that the Uppsala School of philosophy embraces (including the two cofounders Adolf Phalén and Karl Hedvall) from: Marc-Wogau, Studier till Axel Hägerströms filosofi, p. 67. 38 Logren, Huvuddragen, pp. 6-9. 39 Fries, Verklighetsbegreppet enligt Hägerström: En systematisk framställning av grundtankarna i Hägerströms kunskapsteori med särskild hänsyn till hans lära om verklighetsbegreppet, pp. 188-198. See also Cassirer, Axel Hägerström: eine Studie zur schwedischen Philosophie der Gegenwart, pp. 42-43.