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specific metaphysical thought structure.221 So once again, MarcWogau’s analysis is correct. A further advantage with the presentation of conceptual relationships presented in Selbstdarstellungen is that it allows an intelligible explanation of how it is logically possible to create unreal (contradictory) concepts out of real (non-contradictory) concepts without simultaneously having to imply that all real concepts in themselves must be afflicted with some form of fundamental unreality; which would be the only possible conclusion if the theory of concepts given inDas Prinzip derWissenschaft was correct.222 For in Prinzip der Wissenschaft the reality or unreality of a concept is determined by reference to other concepts, real and contradictory alike - for instance, the concepts circle and square can be invalidated on account of the concept “circular square”.223 In conclusion, Hägerström’s theory in Das Prinzip der Wissenschaft thus entails conceptual ontological nihilism, since the logical conclusion of the theory is that no concept is real. InFilosofiskt lexikon (1925) Hägerström illustrated the discussion regarding the relationship between determinate concepts and indeterminate (or contradictory) concepts by reference to the determinate (real) concepts “circular” (c) and “square” (d) and their logical relationship to the indeterminate (unreal) compound concept “circular square” (cd).Obviously, both “circular” and “square” are concepts that have a determinate meaning, which is the very quality that “circular square” lacks. And it is furthermore equally obvious that the determinateness, reality of the concepts “circular” and “square” is,and remains, unaffected by the indeterminateness, unreality of “circular square”.For it is only the postulated combination of “circular”(c) and “square”(d) into the compound concept “circular square” (cd) that is indeterminate, but not the p a r t i 1 , c h a p t e r 3 104 221 Ibid. 222 Ibid., pp. 60-62; Hägerström, Selbstdarstellungen, p. 12. 223 See Marc-Wogau, Studier till Axel Hägerströms filosofi, pp. 60-62. Cf. Hägerström, “Hägerström.”; “The Philosophy of Axel Hägerström.”