Mmhe it is worthwhile mentioning that this argument is, in m\’ \ iew, e\ en more potent in today's societx' of rapid luiropean integration and globalisation. Parallels? d o sum up \er\’ briefly, the Finnish e.xperienee shows quite elearh' that the patterns of change in social sciences (including legal science) and humanities were - at least in first glance - in all essential aspect parallel remembering the unique features of legal science. 1 wo coneluding remarks are at hand. I'irst major changes in social structure and societal situation in I'inland had - one might sav ewen surprisingh' - direct effects on preconditions under w hich academic studies were carried out. Academic world is directh' and indirectK' influenced h\' the same forces, wInch mould the societx in general. Secondlx’ it seems to me also clear that legal science xxas not in the forefront of changes. One might sax’ so that the constructix ist tradition of legal science gax e it shelter fromimpulses of the outside xxorld. I loxxex er x’oung students of laxx folloxxed closelx’ xx hat happened in neighbouring fields. Especially during the 1960’s and ly'o’s nexx paradigms xvithin social sciences and philosophx’ had significant impact on legal sciences. In the last instance, social needs created hx’ the major structural changes in Finnish society lie in the background, d'his is not at all as self- ex ident as it might sound. IFspeciallx if xxe e.xplore the effects of x ear 1918 on science, xxe can notice that this fact has not been adequatelx studied and demonstrated before the last decades. Oemocracx’ xxas (and ex identlx is) a necessarx' precondition for objectixe (understood as high ideal) academic research aiming at nexv knoxx ledge and truth. It seems clear that factors external to science seem to haxe an important, or ex en decisix e, impact on the dex elopment of social and historical sciences. 25 Lots of detailed studies are needed to crystallize this complex relation. The relation between factors internal and external to science should be carefully analysed. 454