quantitative methods became popular tools also in historical sciences. Partlv as a result of this, social and historical sciences conv erged - and this was the case also in an international comparison. ' 'This dev elopment also meant that theoretical orientation in research strengthened in general. Sociology conquered a kind ot a position ot the “king of sciences” and sociological and or structural explanations (which were in itself very different) found their wav to studies in different fields. A (juite rev ealing example of the new intellectual orientation, is research concentrated on Finnish civil war experienced a deep change; several studies which so to sav “understood” the motives and interests of the losers (“reds”), were published. 1 leated debates on the causes and nature of the war emerged. Later also studies in which I'innish tragic experience was put in an international context were published During these years it became a habit to point out that the war could be seen - depending on the perspectiv e - as a war of liberation, class war or a civ il war. I'o conclude, since that era, there hav e been many rivalling interpretations of the causes, nature and legacy of the civ il war. .\ kind of a “forced consensus” on the nature of the war came to an end. This fact indeed, reflects among other things the gradual democratisation of I'innish society; examples all ov er the world show that only a democratic society can tolerate conflictingor contrasting interpretations on major incidents of the historv of the nation. Fo specidate slightly, it would have been practicallv impossible to publish during the interwar era studies that would hav e understood the motiv es and interests of the red rebels11. Legal science constitute no exception of the mentioned general trends. .Analytical paradigm overrode the constructiv ist wav of thinking first in priv ate law and then in public law research. .Also signs of realistic orientation strengthened now - many decades later than in other Nordic countries. But this was not the whole story. Fv en mcvre 23 See for example Philip Abrams, Historical Sociology. Cornell University Press, 1982. 4.>2