ro sa\’ the javiicrnrion ot thcir jiarents. Radicalised critics ot rhe existing s\ steiii claimed that rhe power holders - whose attirvides were coiiserx ari\e according to critics’ - were responsible for the serious social and economic problems not oid\’ in I'iidand but also in the global lexel. " In I'iidand this era was in fact a period during which rhe new generation that had no experience of the war, seized a grip of jiower profiring the situation and the “radical phase”of I'innish president L rho KdU'vii Krkl’ofu-}/ (i9>6-i9(Si). President Kekkonen nominated young talents from rhe parties of left and center to high-ranking positions stare administration to put an end to conserx ati\ e dominance in state administrarion. ' When left w ing parties gained a historical maioritv (lo;^ seats of 200) in the I'innish parliament year 1966, the time was ripe for large-scale societal and legal reforms. The president nominated Noting talents (mosth’ leftist and centrist) talents to significant posts in the public administration. The “era of radicalism” that was to last a little more than ten \’ears started. .\s in other periods of rapid societal change also now mentalities in the societx changed generalb’. In this case it meant that political \ allies mined significantly towards rhe leftist \ alues. \\ hat happened in the scientific communitv ? In fact sev eral imporrant observ ations can be made, both in social sciences and humanities new paradigms - and not rhe least Marxist inspired - entered the scene. I listorical sociology and new approaches inspired bv' sociological theorv building tried to challenge the oltl “truths.” Statistical, 20 One example of this was the highly unjust economic system in the woricf that predestinated third world countries to misery. 21 Doing this president Kekkonen not only irritated the “conservative” segments, hostile to him, but also got “loyal servants” for the realization of his future ambitions. The strong power granted by the constitution was an essential factor that made it possible for the President to rule in a manner that was labelled as “dictatorial.” Still it should be pointed out that in spite of this critical comment, Finnish society just during his reign in many aspects went through a process of democratisation. 22 It is common knowledge that all Finnish political parties took at least some steps towards leftist values and attitudes during that era. However a move to the opposite direction started in late 1970’s and early 1980’s. See iukka kekkonen, Suomen oikeuskulttuurin suuri linja. Suomalainen lakimiesyhdistys 1898-1998. Suomalainen lakimiesyhdistys 1998, p. 100-104. 4.s->