in memoirs oi some polirieians and lawxers and the in the latter halt of iy6o’s also in textbooks, articles and pamphlets.' An e\ ident impact ot the ci\ il war was the tact that it contributed to the tuture dominance ot a constructivist paradigm (adopted directK’ or indirectlx* trom late 19th (w'ntur\ CiermaiiA') in legal science."' Legal realism (or other potential alternati\es to constructi\e thinking) had practicalh’ no roomin interwar I'inland. In this respect the I'innish situation dit't'ered essentialh that ot' Sweden, Norwav or Denmark. .\lso in this respect the change came gradualh’ - hut not before lyco’s and 1960’s in a significant manner.'" The great structural change: the “era of radicalism” I'he time was ripe tor a sketch ot a second essential culmination point in mid 1960’s.. During the 1960’s f’innish societx' experienced a rapid and large-scale structural change, d his change was one of the most turbulent processes towards a “modern societx'” seen in luirope during the 20th ('enturx. Not hetore this period I'inland became an industrialised societx'. During this period migration from countrx'side to cities (and to Sxveden) xvas xerx rapid. 'Fhis era xvas also a period of modernization, xvhich ranged to all lex els of societx' and culture - ineluding peoples’ x alues anci attitudes. .Vt the same time international xvaves ot radicalism, xvidening possihilities to get education in the unixersities, dexelopment in mass communication etc. created a turbulent situation in \x Inch the xoung generation challenged the position of the former generation, that is 17 Of paramount importance was the great novel “Täällä pohjantähden alla" (osa 2,1961) “Under the polar star” (part two) by \/äinö Linna. In this novel also the reds were treated as rational human actors fighting for their legitimate aims and interests. 18 See HANNU TAPANI KLAMi, Oikeustaistelijat. Suomen oikeustiede Venäjän vallan aikana, Otava 1977, p. 66-67, 73-81 and Aulis Aarnio: Laintulkinnan teoria. Lakimiesliiton kustannus Oy 1989; LARS BIÖRNE, Den konstruktiva riktningen. Den nordiska rättsvetenskapens historia. III. 18711910,Lund 2002 19 See HEIKKI piHLAiAMÄKi - ANU PVLKKÄNEN, Suomalainen oikeustiede eurooppalaisessa traditiossa. Luentoja oikeustieteen historiasta, Yliopistopaino 1996, p. ii5-i2C( ; markku helin, Lainoppi ja metafysiikka. Tutkimus skandinavisen oikeusrealismin tieteenkuvasta ja sen vaikutuksesta Suomen siviilioikeuden tutkimukseen. Suomalainen lakimiesyhdistys 1988, especially p. 423-^,30. 4x-o