constitutional legislation lyiy and lyio and sinndtaneousK creating independent judicature h\’ establishing High C'ourt of Justice and I ligh Adniinistratixe Ca)urt ot justice (lyuS) at the top of the judicial hierarch\'. SecondK’ the prohleius of landless people were to a great extent soK ed h\' new land legislation (lyiS, iy22), which ottered land to urban workers and crofters in taxourahle conditions.’’ It has been estimated that the ci\ il war was a hea\ \ blow, not to sa\' a shock, especially to I’innish academic “elite” who nearb’ unanimousK’ had taken part in the war on the bourgeois tiles. I'liis holds true also in the case ot law\ ers. This w as due to the tact that in these circles it had been common to cherish optimistic notions on commmon mans potential and the potential ot all I'inns to construct independent I'inland. This \ iew had e\ identb strengthened during the eras ot Russian oppression.'' I'^ffects of civil war on social sciences and humanities What did all this mean to I'innish socier\Addressing the effects of the war on uni\ersir\' life and academic research at least the foliow ing - in itself \ er\ different - features and trends can be localized. i) The le\el on “internati(>iialis;uinn” (scicnrific contacts, reception ot ideas troni aliroad etc.) weakened draniaticall\. I innish academic comnuinit\ tliat had been ijuite open to international trends, turned drainaticalb inwards. Special empliasis was put on “national sciences”, especialK on those, whose task was seen to help constructing a national identitx' (on the basis ot the world \ iew aiul \ allies ot the bourgeois w inners ot the ci\ il war). I’or e.xamjile w itbin historical sciences a central task during the interwar period was to trace the historical roots ot Finnish independence oriented thinking and ideas (and to |ustit\ the decisions niaile h\ eminent Finns as “protitahle" and “necessaiw ” tiir the mentioned [Hirpose). Striving towards independence became a kind ot a prism through which I'innish historx was anabseil. 14 12 See Rasila, Torpparikysymyksen ratkaisuvaihe. Suomen historiallinen seura 1970. 13 See Oiva Ketonen, Kansakunta murroksessa. Vuosi 1918 ja sen taustaa, Otava 1984 iZ( Later this viewpoint was a cornerstone in the so called “nationalistic-idealistic" history writing. See HEIKKI YLiKANGAS. Käännekohdat Suomen historiassa, Otava 1986.