workers ot southern and south- western Finland started an insurreetion against the manor and taetor\’ owners ' In political terms I'innish ci\ il war was a “red rebellion” against the go\ ernment; the re\olutionaries took o\ er 1 lelsinki and southern Finlantl. Fhe white go\ ernment was forced to flee to the eit\’ ot \’aasa in Southern Ostrohothnia where also the Headquarter ot the \\ hite arm\' located. Fhe war was exceptionally hloodx’ e\en in an international comparison; it caused more than 1^4.000 deaths (ot I'innish citizen; moreo- \ er ^ooo Russians died during the wart. Looking more closeK the ditterent categories ot \ ictims around whites and >roo reds died in combat, iN-ro whites and <S^(So reds became \ ictims ot terror (which t'lgures include summar\' proceedings in Martial or such like courts’), 12.■TOO reds died in prison camps, about 260 reds were executed after post-war trials on political offence court’s and the final destiny of around 2000 reds is still unknown e\en though it is clear that thew died during the war or soon after it. Both ri\ ailing parties receix ed foreign aid: reds from Russian xolunteers and militarx' adx isors. \\ bite gox ernment asked and xxas gix en help from (iermanx and Sxxedish xolunteers rook part in xxar. lloxxex er it has been estimated that this aid xxas not decisive for the result ot the xx ar ex en though it is probable that it made the outcome of the xxar more rapid. .\lso the )ägers trained in (icrman armx’ since iyi6, plax ed a significant part \x ithin the xx hire armx’.' 6 On the other hand in those regions were the social structure was different (it was dominated by independent small peasants like in Ostrobotnia in Southwestern Finland)) the situation was essentially different. See heikki ylikangas. Tie Tampereelle. Dokumentoitu kuvaus Tampereen taistelusta. WSOY 1993, p. 15-24. 7 This estimation is based on the figures of a Committee (nominated by the Finnish government in 1998) whose task was to explore in a detailed manner all the victims of war in Finland during years 1914-1922. Flowever the data concerning the division of victims to different categories (those killed in combat victims of terror/those executed after some kind of a trial/those died in prison camps) is based on traditional sources. A recent estimation of this is given in jari EEROLA and jouNi EEROLA, Flenkilotappiot Suomen sisällissodassa. Kirjapaino Jaarli. 1998, p. 159. See also Jukka kekkonen. Legal Repression after civil wars of Finland and Spain in pekka HiRVONEN - mirkka lappalainen (eds), Crime and Control. Past and Present. 1998, p. 87-111. 8 The jagers came to Finland in February-march 1918. Interestingly enough about 20 %of them were not allowed to return to Finland because there were no sufficient guarantees on their loyalty to the whites. It is also worthwhile noting that their act - joining the army of the enemy of 44f'