and \()cahular\' of research, in other words the fundamental paradigmatic starring points of research. Secondly, what kind of impact the development in social sciences and humanities had on legal science or was the de\ elopment of legal science - which paradigm was extremely positiv istic - aut(vnomous, isolated from the trends other fields of science.- .\nd thirdly; how the factors external to science contrihuted to the development of sciences under observ ation. In other words: what kind of societal and ideological factors an effect on the paradigmatic developments in the academic world.- Studies already mentioned demonstrate alreadv' at first sight that at least two major culmination points (external to science by character) can he easilv localized in the development of research within the fields of science under discussion. I'irst of them took place rapidly after Finnish civil war of' lyuS and the second seems to be related to the great structural change h'innish society experienced during the 1960's. In the following pages 1 w ill shorth describe the essential characteristics of both these phases and after that 1 point out what major changes can be observed in the topics of research, paradigms and basic assumptions during and after these phases. Fhen I proceed towards a comparative analysis of the parallels and differences of the development within different fields of science. I'inallv 1 trv to put forward some thoughts on how internal (d(vctrinal) and external (societal) factors have contributed to the dev elopment of social sciences and humanities in I'inland.' Ci\ il war of 1918 The bloodv civ il war (^}anuary-May lynS) that soon followed the declaration of independence (h.iz.iyn) has more than any other event 2 Other factors too, evidently, could be analysed. For example international influences and cooperation reveal relevant factors about the state and nature of the scientific community. 3 In the discussion of these factors see for example ilkka niiniluotoJohdatus tieteenfilosofiaan. Kasitteen- ja teorianmuodostus. Otava 1980, p. 18-13 and 228-230; juha sihvola, Historiallisen tiedon kasvu ja edistys. Historiallinen aikakauskirja 2003/1, p. 38-40. 444