j L K K A K i; k K O N i: N Same or Different Path: Comparing the Development of Legal Science with the Development in Social Sciences and Humanities in 20th Century Finland I N r R 0 n L c: i i o n Ourinjj: rhe last \cars, scxoral significant studies ha\e been published on the history of different fields of science in I'inland.' 'I'hese studies open new jiossibilities to exaluate the dex elopinent of I'innish legal science from new and fresh perspectixes. Mx aim in this short article is to comjxare hrieflx; and in a manner preliminarx', rhe main lines of dexelopment xxithin legal science during rhe past Centurx' to rhe “general” dexelopment in social sciences and humanities (especiallx’ historical sciences) during the sanxe era. basic topics addressed are the folloxx ing tree issues. I'irst: xxere the main trends in the fields compared essentiallx’ parallel or different.^ Parameters primarilx’ ohserxed here are the topics, goals, methodologx’ In this context, see especially päiviö tommila(toim.): Suomen tieteen historia 2. Humanistiset ja yhteiskuntatieteet, W50Y 2000 and by the same author (ed.): Suomen tieteen historia 4; Tieteen ja tutkimuksen yieinen kehitys 1880-luvulta lahtien, WSOY 2002; urpo kangas (toim.): Oikeustiede Suomessa 1900-2000 WSLT 1999. In the following pages, observations made on the development of science in Finland are mostly based on these massive volumes. 44y