j')cri()d and the ideas nt the sehddl cnidd ha\e had an inijiact on the discussion on legal education. This is possible and the ideological tendencies were oh\ ions in some of the articles and in the disctission at the law faculties. Little of this influence can he seen in the final jiroj^osals of the Judge ("ommittee and of the fiiducation ('ommittee. .\s we ha\ e seen the jiroposals sujijiorted a rather traditional edtication w ith minor modernisation. I'his is an interesting prolilem. Did the conser\ ati\e law facidties and legal professions scop the implementation of ideas that had a considerable political support.^ .\nother interesting problem is the influence of the examples of \ arious foreign legal education systems. We know that the continental influence was \er\' strong during the 19th centurx'. ILsjxecially the (ierman influence. It has been argued that the .\nglo-.\merican influence grew strong in Sweden during the period after the I'irst World War.'''' (>an this influence be traced in the texts we ha\e studied.^ fhe articles of \lvrdal and Schmidt are clearly infltienced Iw the .\merican example and both of them had spent time in LSA. Mx rdal studied the .\merican society for sex eral \ears in the late ^o’s and early 1940’s and I'olke Schmidt \ isited .Vmerica in 1947.’^' In other texts the liuropean educational reforms were taken as models. We ha\e seen that the national conference of 194" discussed the legal education in the Nordic countries, fhe examples from the neighbouring countries phued an important roll during the 1940’s, fhe I'Alucation Clommittee made a special stud\’ of the Danish situation and the reform of the legal education in f'inland was well known. Linally the stud\ shows that the law faculties and the law professsors still had an important role in steering the direction of the educational reformduring the 1940’s and i9so’s. The most radical ideas were put aside and traditional ideas were successful. 'This is an interesting fact. I'he modern ideas faxotired change and modern ideas had political and ideological influence. 88 LINDQVIST, C. Changes in the Swedish educational system 1842-1997. Globalisation and its Impact on Chinese and Swedish Society, p 139. 89 siGEMAN, T, Folke Schmidt. Svenskt biografiskt lexikon. Vol 31, p 583 441