I'hc proposal ot the I-Aliicarion C>oniniitrce in I9^■; nnisr he seen as a kind ot SN’iuliesis of'the two different diseourses. In the proposals it was def'initeh' stated that the legal ediieation was a professional ediieation that was to pro\ ide the students w ith a hroad hasie edueation on a seientifie fundament. Bv aholishing the praetieal eourse the eommittee tried to strengthen the practical aspects of the theoretical courses Iw including practical elements in them. 'I'he committee also stated that jurists w ith praetieal experiences should take part in the edueation, especiallv in eriminal law and procedural law. But, the committee rejected the proposals to di\ ide the legal education into two sections. Some authors had fatoured a shorter elementarv education followed h\' a period of practice w ith a later more theoretical finish. I'he committee also rejected the idea of introducing more scientific suhjects at the law faculties hut it supported the ielea of strengthening the scholarh' profile of the faculties. Inter alia the shared chairs were aholished and the committee supported the idea of creating special positions for senior scholars w ithout a chair. Allmän rättslära iJurisprudence) a subject w ith a theoretical focus and with ideological attachment to the Uppsala school was introduced in the committee proposal and later in the go- \ eminent proposal. rhrough the committee proposal in igt; the extremes of theorx^ vs. practice found at least a temporar\- s\ nthesis, and this was guaranteed h\' the ordinance of i9>'8. "hhis situation was reached rhrough a tenacious and stuhhorn academic resistance uiwards all drastic changes. riie representatix es of the legal practitioners w ere content w ith a general basic academic legal education, reasonahh’ long. During the late 1940’s the idea of a completeh' practical professional trainingdefmiteh' did not ha\ e a strong support in Sweden. d'his presentation and analysis raise some further interesting questions. rhese questions can not be answered here hut we must consider them shortly and deal with them in another context. The influence of the Uppsala school has been considered of significance during the 440