ideas ot srrenetlieiiine, the praetieal aspeets ot the legal edtieatioii inijiortant. I'his idea eanie into eontliet w ith the traditional and estahlished theoretieal strtietiire. ’There was a praetieal trend in the discussion. T'.keh’it’s aiul Nh rtlaTs articles can he seen in that context. The proposal ot theJudge C'oininittee could also he seen as jiart ot this tendencw In their articles the scholars dealt w ith the problem in \ er\’ ditterent wa\'s. I'Aelot proposed a moderate pedagogical modernisation and that some practical suhiect should he introduced in the curricidum. Mx rdal and Schmidt jsroposed a completeh’ new educational structure. 'The more moderate retorm plan got support both in the discussions within the law taculties and in jiuhlic articles. 'The judge ("ommittee did not Tatour a radical retorm hut argued tor a rather traditional legal education w ith minor changes. The radical ideas of Myrdal and Schmidt were left unheeded. .Another discoursi\e tendenc\ was a support of rather more theoretical or perhaps more scientific education. 'I’his discourse included those that lamented the low c]ualit\' of legal education, they asked for more in depth studies. That discourse also included those w ho thought that the student ma)orit\’ was negatix e to theoiw. .\mong these \ iews we find the articles and committee proposals that supported a strengthening of the scientific structure at the law faculties. We also find professor .Mx rdaTs article in this discourse. Ajxart from strengthening the jiractical aspects of legal education he definitelx also wanted to strengthen the theoretical aspects, at least for an elite of inore intellectual students. It could he argued that Mx rdal anti Schmidt were influenced hx’ the .\merican legal education and the .\merican discourse, .\dmirtedlx' Mx rdal criticised the lack of interest in .\nglo-.\merican laxx at the laxx faculties hut said little of the American legal education. I'olke Schmidt referred much more directlx to the American example in his article. It xvas x\ ritten as a commentarx to Mx rdaTs text. 4^9