7Ijc result of the disciissioji A r()\al ordinance concerning legal and social science degrees was issued on june ;o, iy-r«S' . 'The ordinance was rhe result of a rather amhitious go\ ernment proposal and of a \ i\ id discussion in the Riksdag. In short the basic law examgot tlie general structure proposed h\' the 1 Education ('ommittee, hut the in depth courses at the end of the education uas \\ idened to all the basic courses. I'he other changes of the curriculumwere negligible. Conclusion and Closing Remarks In the reform discussion during the iy4o’s and lyro’s we can identift’ some well-known arguments and some inner and outer formati\e factors. We find that initiatixes fromthe faetdties and from indi\ idual scholars still plaxed an important role in the discourse concerning the changes of the legal education. The increasing number of students still created difficult problems at the faculties where the academic staff was small; thev were also slow or perhaps reluctant to adjust to new situations. 'The difficulties of recruitment to the academic career can be seen as a special problem of importance to the faculties and as such a factor that must be studied separateb'. Some of the factors receixed more discursix e attention that earlier. .\mong these factors xxe find the tensiem betxxeen theorx' and practice XX ithin the laxx education, d'his conflict had been discussed before the reformof iyo4 but not as intenselx’ as during the iy4o’s and lys’o’s. I'urther, the relation betxxeen tbe academic education and the legal professions xxas more criticallx’ studied and discussed. These txxo potential conflicts xvere t)f course related. I'he more intensix e conflict betxveen theorx’ and practice x\ ithin the legal education can be linked to the on-going reform and modernisation of the procedural sx stem. The need for strengthening the professional skills of the future judges, laxxwers and prosecutors made 87 SFS 1958:435. Kungl. Majt:s Stadga angaende juridiska och samhällvetenskapliga examina.