rlic end ol the education. I'he facult\ flnalh' regarded the practical course as \ er\' important and did not support its abolishment.'* Vhc 'Satioiial CoNfcrnicc oil Legal Education in Scptenihcr I'he Uni\ ersit\ C'hancellor imited representatix es ot the law facidties to a conference in September to discuss the proposals of the I'^ducation Cvommittee." The committee chairman Professor Ragnar Bergendal presented the proposal in his introductoiw remarks. 1 le said that legal education had been considered as “intellectualb’ frugal” {intellektlicll torftighet). 'Phis w as the result of a situation w here too few teachers taught too main’ students.''’ Phis fundamental problem did create pedagogical problems and tither problems, such as too few te.xtbooks. In his \ iew the students concentrated on learning the material b\’ heart. Phis created a rather superficial wav of learning and no real indepth studies were pursued. Phe introduction of the subject jurisprudence w'as intended to strengthen the methodological aspect of the education. 'Phe discussion mo\ ed along rather ijuiet paths. No fundamental criticisms were xoiced. 'Phe representatixes were cpiite sympathetic to the jiroposal. Pheir remarks were mainh’ directed at details. Some professors wanted to stress the problematic situation of the understaffed faculties and others were unhappy about the reduction of some of the elementarx’ courses. 'Phe cjuestion of strengthening the practical aspect of the legal education receixed little attention. 84 Juridiska fakultetens i Lund yttrande över juristutbildningskommitténs förslag, p 20. LUA jur Fak. Yttranden 1954. 85 Protokoll vid konferensen mellan de juridiska fakulteterna i riket i Stockholm den 16-18 september 1953. Universitetskanslersämbetet. Kopia i juridiska fakulteten i Lund arkiv. 86 Protokoll 1953. p 2. 437