In an article, published in in the Seandina\ ian law loiirnal, l idskrifr for Rctt.cvih’uskop Per Olot I'^kelot presented the pniposal to a Scandina\ ian readership."' 1 le clearlx’ stated that the dominant question in the modern debate concerning legal education was the goal ot the education. Should it implant knowledge of the legal rides or shoidd it gi\ e methodological insight and training.-'’' I le quotes an Ihiglish writer, which is interesting, and states that it is the methodological training that has come into focus during recent time, d’hese ideas had intluenced the proposal, at least in some wa\ s, according to I'.keh’d. The methodological trainingcan be done in scweral wa\’S but the committee has taioured the stud\' ot legal cases, an Anglo-.Vmerican intluence. d'his coidd be contra-producti\ e according to lAelöt, especiallv w hen the increased legislation has reduced the influence ot the law courts.' lAeh'if further criticise that the proposal did nor motlernise the e.xamination, and he referred ni the situation in other luiropean countries w here the basic legal exam was di\ ided into at least to stages. I bc Reaction ofthe lareo Faculties fhe law facidties reacted to the proposals of the I wlucation C'ommittee and a special conference was arranged in Stockholmin September ly-r; w ith representatives from all the faculties. In the response to the proposals the law facidrv' in Lund stated that three problems were especially challenging: I'here were not enough academic teachers, not enough text-books for the courses and there was an unev en distribution of the staff among the different sidviects.'’' 'The faculty supported the proposal in general but did not accept the reduction in time of what it considered as the fundamental subjects, ev en if this was necessary to prov ide time for the in-depth studies at 80 EKELÖF, PER OLOF, Tidskrift for Retsvittenskap (TfR) 1953, p 356 81 EKELÖF TfR 1953, P 356. 82 EKELÖF TfR 1953, p 358. 83 Juridiska fakultetens i Lund yttrande över juristutbildningskommitténs förslag, p ^f. LUA jur Fak Yttranden 1954. 4:;6