I'inalh' tlic coiiimittcc should consider rhe possihilities ot gi\ ing t'lnancial support to textbook-writing and also consider the necessitt’ and form of a special state support to legal science. .\n e.\tensi\e committee was appointed. The Cdiairman, Professor Ragnar Bergendal from Lund, had twehe members Iw his side, and among them were professor R () l^keh'U from Uppsala and professed Se\e Ljungman from Stockholm. Both were influential members of their facidties and I'.keh'if was engaged in legal education, as we know from his article in 194-r. 17jr Proposal rhe committee presented its proposal in iy>:; and it was a \er\ thorough and ambitious work. During the in\ estigation the committee studied statistics, the structure of certain foreign legal education and it based its proposal on special social research lutcr alia inter\ iews with students and professional lawwrs. On rhe question of the purpose of legal education rhe committee made a definite statement, d'he purpose of the education should he to gi\ e a full professional training. * The committee proposed minor changes in rhe curriculum. It stated that the legal education was mainh' a professional education, with the goal of educating professionals within the ludicial area, d'he suh)ecrs must not become too derailed, and it was important that rhe students studied some aspects of the social sciences. ' rhe practical course and rhe practical subjects that were proposed b\' thejudge C'ommittee were thoroughh reformed, fhe C"ommirtee proposed that practical subject such as accounting should be added to the curriculum and joined with the course in econom\. d'he committee further proposed that rhe practical course should be abolished. 74 sou 1953:15, p 97f “Syftet med den juridiska utbildningen är emellertid i främsta rummet att meddela en juridisk fackutbildning, som gör den examinerade skickad att fullgöra de arbetsuppgifter, som förekomma pä dejuridiska yrkesområdena. Kraven pa sädana fackkunskaper får visserligen icke drivas sä långt att juristutbildningen blir alltför ensidig.” 75 SOU 1953:15. P 97434