In the more tlcscriprive inrrodiicrion to the clirecti\es rhe Minister of education stated that the neeessit\' of a reformof the legal education had been discussed for man\' wars, .\ceording to the minister, rhe erities of rhe legal education were in agreement on rhe fact that too manv students spent too a long time to finish their law studies. .Vnothe'r prohlematie cpiestion was rhe role of classical and modern languages as prereejuisites to law education, fhe pedagogical structure of law studies needed modernisation. The education was too broad and not efficient. The lectures were too manv and academic teachers and texthooks too few. The theoretical le\el was too high and the students wanted more possibilities to ha\e practical training of legal skills. 'The courses were not adeijuateh’ adjusted to the “demands of practical life” {anpassade efter det praktiska livets behov) and the education did not gi\ e adeijuate know ledge of the economic and social problems in the Swedish society. Modern legal fields, such as social law, got too little attention in rhe curriculum. 'The laculties had had difficulties in ad)usting to new conditions. The large number ol students was esi^ecialh problematic and rhe large increase of new legislation made it difficult to continue in traditional forms. I'urther on in the intrcKluction the minister stated that it was imjiortant that law studies ga\ e good knowledge of the social and economie f(Uindations of the Swedish S(K'iet\’ and that the students achie\ ed good general knowledge in rhe basics of the Swedish legal s\ stem. Law students shotdd l^e gi\ en a good preparation to professional work. Some more detailed material could be remoxed from the courses but it was imjxortant that the legal education did not loose its scientific character. 69 sou 1953:15. p 13. 70 sou 1953:15. P 1371 sou 1953:15. P 1372 sou 1953:15. p 14. (den) oerhörda ökningen genomlagstiftning och annan rättsbildning av det material, som skall tillgodogöras i undervisningen, dels av en mycket stark ansvällning av de studerandes antal. 73 SOU 1953:15. p 14 f. 433