tlie uni\ersit\’ education hut it still proposed that the law faculties shoidd consider the possihilit\ to engage more iurists from the legal practice in the legal studies/'^ d'he committee also suggested that the practical course should he gi\ en better resources and perhaps he split up and added to the \ arious suh)ects. I'inalK’ the ccimmittee stressed the importance of close connections between the law facidties and the law courts so that the students got the opportunitx to \ isit the law courts anti to stutb the proceedings in situ.'" pragmatic aspect can be seen in the proposal that courses in forensic ps\chiatr\' and other more practical subiects shotdd be added to the legal education. Such courses should become compulsorw''’ lljc Proposal of the Kducatiou Committee, 19 >"3 In 194'' the Lni\ersit\’ delegation of 194-,' proposed that a special committee should be appointed to stud\ the needs of a reform of the legal education in Sweden." ddie delegation stressed the problematic situation at the law faculties where the number of scholars declined."'' The delegation stated that the educational questions shoidd be studied as well as the questions related to legal research. I'he Cbn ernment did not react on the proposal bur in the following wars further initiatixes were taken to suggest a reformof legal education. In .\pril 1948 the board of the National Student .Vssociation sent a letter to the gox ernment concerning the necessiti' of an educational reform and in September 1948 the .Vssociation of l^rofessional judges took a similar initiatii e." In |anuar\' 1949 the (jovernment created a special 1‘Alucarion C'ornmittee. In the directives it was stated that the committee should propose changes in the degree system and in the law curricidum. 64 sou 1946:57, P244. 65 sou 1946:57, P246. 66 sou 1946:57, P248. 67 sou 1946:81.1945 ars universitetsberedning. II Akademiska lärarbefattningar samt dess anslag till den vetenskapliga utbildningen m m, p 44. 68 SOU 1946:81, p 41. The delegation called it an emergency situation for the Swedish legal science.(“den svenska rättsvetenskapens nödläge”). 1 ^