practical training in coinhination with the theoretical studies of the \ arioiis suhiects/'" 'ri)C Propos'dl of the Judge ConnnitTee, 1947 Shorth after the three articles were published in the national law journal the judge ('onunittee of 194^ published its ju'ojiosal concerning the jU'ofessional education of lutlges/' The main j')art of the proposal tlealt with the professional training of )udges alreadx’ in office and their j’lrofessional career, hut the committee also dealt w ith basic legal education. I lowcwer the committee did not propose an\' radical changes in legal education as such or anv new and special e.\am on an acatlemic lew el between the law faculties education and the professional training of ludges. In the \ lew of the committee legal studies should he structured so that ludges receix ed good general know ledge of legal sx stem. I'urthermore that thev obtained good knowledge of the connection between the legal rules and the economic and social structure of the Swedish societx so that the students understood the cause of a rule anti its effect. Basicalb it was important that the law students and judges should acijuire a gootl knowledge of the fundamental prineijiles of the legal order.' ' I'he committee further stated that e\en if the law education had earlier been consideretl highb theoretical, the social and economic effects of the legal rules nowadax s xxere considered in the legal studies.'* fhe (aunmittee held that the practical aspects of x arious legal sub- )ect had to be stuthed in connection xx ith the more tlieoretical aspects aiul not in a Sjxecial course. It realised hoxx ex er that this could be difficult to achiexe xx ithin the current legal education, 'fhe committee noted that a special delegation xxorked xxith the future structure of 60 Sv|T 1946. p 316. 61 SOU 1946:37-59. Betänkande angaende vissa organisations-, utbildnings- och tjänstgöringsfrågor vid domstolarna. Tredje huvudavdelningen. Särskilda utbildningsfrågor, p 239ff. 62 SOU 1946:57, P242. 63 SOU 1946:57, P242. 4>i