'I'ho solurions the nurhors propose in the arriclos are nor char t\ pieal, w irli rhe exemption of I'^keU'if In rlie law faculties man\- of the prolessors accepted the necessit\' ot pedagogical change, the\’ e\ en accepted that there had to he a certain modernisation of rhe curriculum hut a ratlical reformot rhe whole legal education was unthinkahle to the ma)orir\’. d'he proposals ol Mvrdal and Schmidt w ith the emphasis cm a stronger ju'ofessional and practical training for the majorirv of the students (.lefinitelx did nor reflect rhe \ iews ot rhe majoritN' ot rhe academic statt. Other articles in commented on the articles and es]ieciall\' jiracrical training was suhiect to some discussion. ' (ieneralh’ the commentators supixorted the sxstem of a short practical course hut admitted that rhe sx stemcotdd he improx ed. I'hex also gax e examples of such improx ements. In this discourse a number of articles gix ing information about the legal education in different countries xxere published. ^rhe Dc\ clopmcnt after the Artieles were published. I'hc \iitioiKiI Coiifcrnicc oji Legal Ediicutiou ill September In September 194^ a national conference xxas held in Uppsala.'^ It gathered representatix es fromthe three law faculties in Sxveden and also representatixes from laxx faculties in Denmark, I'inland and Norxvax’. rhe parricijxants met for three dax s and both rhe structures ot the legal etlucation and pedagogical problems xxere discussetl at sex eral sessions. d’he forms and structures of rhe laxx education xxere discusseti and ^ o j>rotessor Ake Malmstnun (from Lund) made the introductorx remarks. I le started hx statingthat there xxere not enough adecjuate text53 SvJT 1946 p 722 and SvJT 1947 p 702. 54 Sv)T 1946, p 312 ff. A short report from the conference was published in Svensk juristtidning. 429