Mvrdal’s article can he seen as a part ot a larger pattern and we shall anah se it later in that respect, hut it is tt) he noted that he ptihlished it in 194s’. Mx'rdal does not refer to the American example directh' as Schmidt does, hut he was well informed of the on-going education discussion in the L SA.’" 1 le published the hook Konrdht niiv! Anicrikii'' {('ojitiic't -jcith Amcncii) together with his wife Aha in 1941 and a special chapter in that hook described the situation of the educational s\ stern, rhe hook was discussed in a brief article in Svntsk JunsTtiduuig the following \ear.' rhe problems at the law facidties were not new and the situation for the academic staff had been strained for a long time. The reformof the Swedish procedural s\ stem was running towards its conclusion in 194^' and it was oh\ ious that the new s\ stem would require more and better legalh trained officials at different le\ els. The expansion of the public sector as a result of the progress of the welfare stare created a demand for legally trained ci\ il ser\ ants, d his meant a realistic possibility for an e\ en hea\ ier workload for rhe law faculties in the near future. As a member of the go\ eminent and as a leading intellectual w ithin the Social Democratic Party M\ rdal identified the difficulties at the law factdties and he had a possibilit\' to influence the forthcoming reform. 1 he three articles represent the on-going tliscussion w ithin the law faculties and are in many ways t\ pical for the attitude of the scholars when it comes to defining the problems. rhe\' realised that a modernisation was needed and they were oyerwhelmed by a workload that had increased because of the larger group of students and the tjuicker tempo in legislation, d'hey also knew that the traditional continental academic s\’stem was tjuestioned. 50 MODÉER, K A, Finalistep som katalysator. En jurist i Franklin D Roosevelts New Deal: Lloyd K Garrison Iran NewYork, Festskrift till Per Olof Bolding, Lund 1992.p 33if. 51 MYRDAL, GUNNAR och ALVA, Kontakt med Amerika, Stockholm 1941. 52 SvJT 1942, p 467 DANIELSSON, G, Demokratin och juristutbildningen. The article refers to Myrdal’s text but the author is not that interested in the pedagogical but of the financial aspects of the Swedish legal education. 42S