education the students shovdd spend some years in legal practice, at the law courts or at lawwers offices. The most talented and most suited could come hack to the law facult\ later. .\s older, mature and more motix ated students the\’ could appreciate a more sophisticated and scientific education, d'his group was necessarih’ smaller than the group of beginners so the teachers could adjust the teaching to the higher le\ el of these fewer students.^ Professor \1\ rdal ended Iw lamenting on the fact that too mam- of the law stmlents were i|uire unsuitable for academic studies, 'fhere was a risk that special colleges attracteil the most qualified students and the faculties had to take the rest. Introducing a iinnicrus cLuisns m the law f aculties could ax ert this risk but he rejected the idea beeause it was not in line w ith acatlemic traditions.^' FolL’c Schmidt argues for an American Legal Education I'olke Schmitlt^^ was professor in ci\ il law w ith international prix ate law in Lund in 1944 - ly^'o and in ci\ il law in Stockholm iy>'i - 1976. Dviring the later years he concentrated on labour law. 1 le founded aiul edited - i9(So tbe Scioiduitivuni Studies in an important forum in spreading know ledge of Swedish legal science internationallv. 1 le was also member of sexeral goxernment committees. Professor I'olke Schmidt published his article in 1947 ^dter the judge committee had presentetl its proposal and before the llducation committee had been created. It was titled “l.egal education in .Vmerica” (.Vmerikansk juristutbikining) and was mainix’ a description of the educational sx stem at three xvell-rejxuted laxx schools, 1 larx ard, ^ ale and (Chicago.■ Schmidt stressed the differences Ixetxveen the legal education in Sxxeden and in the LS.V and he quoted the I larx ard studx’ manual “d'he School seeks as its primarx’ purpose to prepare for the 42 MYRDAL, p 361. 43 MYRDAL, p 362. (“Att själva svara med betygspärrar stämmer illa med universitetstraditionerna och bjuder oss alla emot”). 44 FOLKE SCHMIDT, 1909 - 1980. 45 Sv)T 1947, p 411 SCHMIDT, F, Amerikansk juristutbildning.