ro he rcducocl or e\ on roino\ otl from rho oiiTTiculiini. ICkoltd nuiintainod that rhis would ho a possilrlo rotorni.'^ American Lceal Realism: O*' Professor Gnnnar AlyrdaPs Arguments (iiinnar M\ rdal was an ooononiisr and protbssor in polirioal ooononi\ in Stookliolni during ly^^-iys'o/' 1 lo was a nioinhor of rho Swodish o()\ orninonr iy4'r - 4"’ as minisror ol rrado and ho liad a oonsidorahlo jiolirioal intluonoo, ospooialK w irhin rho ocononiio and sooial poliox of rho Sooial Domoorario parrv. I lo and his w itb Al\ a puhlishod hooks and arriolos on rho rhooiw and praorioo of rho wollfaro sraro in rho ly^os and rho\ li\od in USA during sonio \oars in rho laro ly^os and oarl\' iy4o’s. 'rho\ srudiod rho Amorioan polirioal and sooial svsroni and hooanio taniiliar w irh rho Amorioan oduoarional s\ srom. In iy4'r (iunnar M\'rdal puhlishod a suhsranrial arriclo ahour rho Swodish logal oduoarion in Svotsk 'Jfiiyisttidubtg. 1 lo ga\o ir rho rirlo “ rho Posirion of rho Logal Soionoo and rho Organisarion of rho Logal lAluoarion in Swodon” (Don juridiska \ oronskapons srällning ooh do juridiska srudiornas anordning i S\ origo).''' M\ rdal ga\ o a gonoral sur\ ov of logal soionoo and rosoaroh and logal oduoarion in Swodon. I lo was rarhor our-spokom. Lho siruarion of rho Law faoulrios was nor saristaoroiw, mainh hooauso rho law faoulrios woro dramarioalK' undor-sraffod. l ho aoadomic roaohing and oxaminarion oooupiod all rho rimo of rho roo fow law profossors. Hooauso ot rho hoa\ \ workload rho soionrit'10 work was jwir asido and rho soionrifio produorion was rodiiood. .\s a rosidr rho cjualirx of rho aoadomio sralf was gonoralh low orod. .\s an oxanijilo oomparari\ o law had boon 34 EKELÖF, P 351. 35 Gunnar Myrdal, 1898 - 1987. In his theories Myrdal was influenced by Axel Hägerström. Myrdal became a member of the Social democrats in 1932. Gustafsson, Bo; Gunnar Myrdal Svenskt bigrafiskt lexikon. 36 MYRDAL, GUNNAR, Den juridiska vetenskapens ställning och de juridiska studiernas anordning i Sverige. Sv)T 1945 p 357. 37 MYRDAL, P 357. t ^ ^