foreign legal educations that could ser\e as models to the Swedish reform. These themes w ill he further discussed in the conclusion. Realistic and Practical Reforms: Professor Per Olof Ekelöf j . Irgaments. Per Olof I'^keh'd was professor in jirocedural law in Uppsala 194^- iy^2. I ie was a follower of the school of Scandinax ian legal realism and jilaxetl a x erx influential role both as a legal scholar and as a memher of sexeral goxernment committees, among these the education committee of lyg” xx hich xx ill he studied later in this article. In an article in SvcNsh Jiinyttiötiiiigxn lygN, professor P O I'.keh'U presented his ideas of a more x italised legal educaritm and he gax e it the title “Reflections on the legal education” (Refle.xioner cn er den juridiska uthildningen.” 1 le introtluced the text xx ith a general reflection and stated that the Sxxedish Unixersitx’ education xxas in need of a total reform and the number of academic teachers had to he increased radicallx’. 1 le referred to a recentlx' published hook xx here a tnimher of academics had published articles articulating the need of reform in their respectixe academic fields and faculties. ' .\t the laxx facultx' in Uppsala eight professors and txxo extra teachers xxere responsible for the education of a total of about 6>o students on an annual basis. It xxas impossible for the teachers to get to knoxx the students and the education xxas anonx inous for the students. The educational xxorkload resulted in a situation xxhere the scholars had little time to do research and to xvrite academic texts. .Vfter this pessimistic introduction l-^kelrif put aside the problems of 26 Per Olof Ekelöf, 1906 -1990. He played a very important role in Swedish legal science as a innovative thinker and inspirator. In 1951 he published an article with the title“Is the Swedish legal doctrine a technique or a science?” (Är den svenska juridiska doktrinen en teknik eller en vetenskap). Ekelöf vas very interested in the pedagogical aspects of education and his pedagogical experiments are often referred to. lindblom, per henrik. Per Olof Ekelöf in memoriam. Sv)T 1990, p 668. 27 EKELÖF, p. o.. Reflexioner över den juridiska utbildningen. Sv)T 1945 p 335. 28 ALLWOOD (ed) Universiteten i en ny värld, Uppsala 1944. 29 EKELÖF, P 335. 421