M\ rdal hut others, like the minister of iustice Karl Schh ter^ and the minister of soeial welfare (iusta\ Midler pla\ed important roles. The transformation of the Swedish soeien was a ehange from a predominantlv rural to an urhanised popidation, from agricidture to industrv and from a traditional stable family s\ stem to a more mobile soeial strueture. Old soeial and economic structures disappeared surprisingh’ quiekh' and this created a pressure on the law sector. .\nother kind of pressure came from the Lppsala school of legal positi\ ism. Its leading figures, professor .\\el Hägerstriim and law professors \ ilhelm Lundstedt, Osten Lndén and Karl 01i\eerona diallenged the traditional \ alues and conseri ati\ e attitudes of the estahlished soeiet\’. The arguments of the L ppsala school and the political attitude of the Social Democrats were related. I'he pow er of the lawmaker was stressed and this was in harmonx w ith the poliex of the go\ eminent for a peaceful, hut definite reformof the Swedish soeietx. The Discussion in the leading national law journal, S\ensk juristtidning I N r R o n L c r i o\ In this chapter three articles published in the national law johduiI SvaiskyHristtiduuighx prominent law professor will he presented and analysed, 'fhe articles can he seen as representativ e of the public dehate in the mid lyqo’s. fhe\ were published lyqc and lyq"' in close connection with the on-going education debate. All three authors were professors and prominent members of their respectiv e faculty. 'fhe authors argued quite eloquentlv for a reform of the legal education, hut they realised that the change could not he drastic and radical. Some especially interesting themes can he discerned in the articles. .\mong themis the critical situation for legal science in Sweden during the period, the pedagogic structure of the legal education, the conflict between theory and practice and finallv the presentation of 24 Karl Schlyter, Minister of justice during the period 1932 - 1936. 25 Gustav Möller, Minister of Social Welfare 1932 -(1938 39) - 1951. 420