created pedagogical proldeins and some professors complained that the students did not attend these lectures, (iiadualh the faculties made it ]'>ossihle to substitute at least some of the public lectures with The seminars were popular among both stutlents and professors hut some professors complained that the students attended the seminars w ithout being well j'>rej')ared. I'inalb indi\ idual initiati\ es were taken during the iy2o’s and ly^o’s to abolish the much-criticised ]')ri\ ate tutorials, but not much was achie\ed in this aspect. seminars. Sonic lu)rniari\ e b\ictors outside the Law faculties I'he reform of the procedural swstem had been diseussed since the earb lyth century and jiroposals had been published albeit w ithout an\ results. In the iy2o’s the reformplans once again became realistic anti in the earh’ iy4o’s a decision was matle to introduce a new procedural code which in due course became the ('ode of Procedure of iy4S. rhe modernisation of the procedural swstem dramaticalb’ changed the work of both local courts and the work of the courts of ajipeal. I'he jnofessional roles of judges, lawwers and prosecutors were influenced and these groups of professionals had to adjust to a new set of rules. * I'his created a large demand for professional training and the \ ears between the decision and the actual implementation of the new code was used to train the professimvals in their new roles. The accelerated legislatit e tempo was considered as a jiroblem in the late lyth centurx and it increased e\ en more during the earl\ 20th centur\'. In the earb’ ly^o’s the Social Democratic Party came into jtower and the reform agenda resulted in an ambitious transformation of the Swedish societ^■. During this transformation the publie sector e.\jianded and administratix e and social legislation increased. Some of the ideological leaders of this process were Aba aiul (iunnar 21 sou 1953:15, p 68. 22 WEiBULL, JÖRGEN, Lupds universitets historia. Band IV. 1868-1968, Lund 1968. p 276 ff. 23 MOOÉER, K A, Den svenska domarkulturen - europeiska och nationella förebilder. Lund 1994. P49ff. 419