legal enc\ cl()pacdia, Roman law, econonn, tax law and public law w irh puldic international law. Roman law and eeonomx’ were optional and the stutlent had to choose one of the courses. The following and final educational section, roughly six semesters, consisted of three pri\ate law courses, criminal law, procedural law, adniinistratix e law and prix ate international laxx. The indix idual order of all the courses xxas not fixed hut it xxas not possible to enter the final part of the second section until all the fixe compulsorx’ courses of the first section had been passed." During the nine semesters, and partlx parallel to the other courses, there xxere txxo compulsorx’ courses, the ''propedeutic'' course and the ‘‘“'practie" course. The "propedeutic" course xxas intended to be an introduction to the subjects of the xx hole legal education and xxas preferablx’ studied during the first semester. d'he "praetie" course xxas an innoxation of the Ordinance of 1904. fhe course xxas intended to introduce the student to different legal acts and documents and to train him in xxorking xxith these documents. 'fhe course xxas generallx’ dix ided into a prix ate and a procedural section and if a student had xxorked at a laxx court or at a laxx x efs office he could be exempted from the course.'' rhe Winor Reforms of the i9;;o !r The 1904 ordinance xxas partlx modernised and updated in i9;>. 'fhe degree sx stem xxas further simplified and the Cihancerx' Ifxamination xxas abolished, but the curriculumtor legal education remained mostlx’ unchanged. fhe professors still had an official dutx' to gixe public lectures. During the 1940’s these lectures became more relex ant to the curriculum but some professors had a decidedlx scientific approach to this task, fhis attitude gax e the lectures a rather adx anced lex el. 'fhis attitude 18 sou 1953.15, p 67. 19 sou 1953:15, p 67. 20 sou 1953:15, p 66. 418