niaricalK’. \\ irli a larger population ot students the scholars hecaine greath’ out-nuinhered. The estahlishinent ot the legal education in Stockholm lyo-'' did not helj'* to alle\ iate the situation at the other two law factdties in L ppsala and Lund to any great extent. Academic teachers were \ er\ tew, the recruitment ot new scholars was slow, puhlic lectures w here tew and nor \ eiw rele\ ant to the law studies and tinallv onl\' tew textbooks existed to assist the student in their studies. In 1904 the retorm ot the degree s\ stem and the modernisation ot the law' curricidum was intended to constitute better conditions tor the tacidties." But the number ot academic teachers did not increase signiticantlx’ after the retorm. I'urthermore the protessors were still jiermitted to gi\ e pri\ ate seminars to students and to cliarge tuition tees. After 1904 it was still common that a protessor was responsible tor at least two different academic subiects. fhe number ot students continuetl to increase steadib tluring the decades after the implementation ot the new ordinance.' The new degree sx stem and the nexx curriculum gaxe stabilitx to the legal education. Lhe degree structure xxas simplified and the miniher of academic degrees xxas reduced. Lhe (Bachelor ot Laxx) exam became the normal degree tor almost all students. I'he studies gax e a professional training and thex’ prox ided a general proticiency iu laxx. 'Phis degree made it possible to become a judge and to hold higher offices in the administration. If the student tolloxxed the planned and recommended academic studies the degree xxould take tour and a half x ear ot studies, nine academic semesters. file studx’ period of nine semesters xxere structured in txxo jiarts. file tirst section, (called the tirst halt, although it xxas reallx' onlx' the tlrst third part), rotighlx three semesters, consisted ot legal histoiw. 15 HASSLER, A, Om fakultetens tillkomst och verksamhet. Minnesskrift utgiven av Juridiska fakulteten i Stockholm vid dess femtiärsjubileum 1957. Stockholm 1957. The Stockholm law faculty consisted of a combination of law and political science, introduced to Sweden fromGermany. 16 HÄTHÉN, Legal education in Sweden during 1870-1930. p 8if. 17 During the academic years of 1910/11 269 new students were registered at the three law faculties, and in 1950/51 489. 417