Xationiil Srudcnr Association (SI'S) to tlic gancn'iinionr in connccrion to a committee proposal ha\e also been used." .\n important source is the report of a national conference on the legal education, held in iy4S'. Representati\es of the law faculties in Sweden, Denmark, I'inland and Norwa\ met and discussed the legal education and its current problems. Man\ of the topics discussed were in focus when the go\ eminent committees prepared their proposals." .\fter the ICducation ('ommittee had presented its proposal a national conference chaired h\’ the Lnitersite C'hancellor was held in September In this conference the members of the three law faculties met and discussed the future of the legal education in Sweden. Representatix es of the students were present at the conference and took part in the discussion. The minutes of this conference ha\ e been used as a source. rhe discussion and the reports of the \ arious committees resulted in a go\ eminent proposal in lyN-." The Swedish parliament considered the proposal, an interesting discussion cwohed and f'malh' the new ordinance concerning legal education was issued |une ;o Iy^■^S.'■‘ d'he go\ernment proposal, the parliamentarv debate and the final decision is outside the frame of this article, and w ill be presented and anal\ sed in another stud\. Some Formari\ e Factors within the Law Faculties - the educational situation at the Law Faculties 'The F.ducatioiial Reform r;/ 1904 I'romthe i(S<So’s the number of students at the law faculties increased steadiK’ and at the turn of rhe centurx the numbers rose quite dra11 LUA )ur Fak Protokoll i945/Z(6 Ala:44. A copy of the letter fromthe student organisation to the government was appended to the minutes. 12 Sv)T 1946, p 3i2ff. 13 Riksdagen 1957. Kungl Maj:ts proposition nr 86. 14 SFS 1958:435. 416