in the most influential national law iournal, Svcusl: J^iiristtidiiiiig. Some of the leading persons in the committees workine; w ith the reformof the legal education juihlished articles and a number of other jurists, both aeademics and representati\ es of the legal professions joined in the debate. In this srud\’ three articles ' are gi\en a more thorough presentation and their arguments are comj^ared and anaU sed. The te.xts from the journal gi\es a good picture of the public academic discourse and can shed some light on some of the aspects not that candidK treated in the more official te.xts. l or this stud\ the proposals of two go\ ernment committees dealing w ith the legal education and working during the ig4o’s and lys'o’s are the two main official sources. 'The earliest is 7'Ac Committee on thejudge profession id 194^ The )udge committee presented its proposal in 1946. In a S)iecial chapter of the projiosal the committee ga\ e its \ iews on the situation of the legal education. The work of this committee must be seen in the context of the on-going reform of the national jirocetlural s\ stem. Somew hat later but rather more influential is the jiroi^osal of the bducation (iommittee of 1949, The eommittee for /egni iindsoeini studies' d'his committee juesented its proposal for a new legal education s\ stern in ig'T^ and the proposal became an imjiortant platform for the go\ernment projtosal in ig'T". Both before and during the work of the committees the law faculties discussed the necessitt of an educational reform. I'or this discourse the minutes of discussion and proposals from the law facult\’ in Lund during the 1940’s and )9^■o’s, ha\ e been studied'" and the minutes from the L jipsala facult\ and a letter w ritten In the Swedish 5 HÄTHÉN, C, 2001, p 69. 6 Sv)T 1945, p 335, by PER OLOF EKELÖF, Sv)T 1945, p 357 by Gunnar Myrdal and Sv)T 1947, p 411 by FOLKE SCHMIDT. 7 1943 ärs domareutredning. Betänkande angående vissa organisations-, utbildnings-, och tjänstgöringsfragor vid domstolarna. Betänkande 1946. SOL) 1946:57. 8 1949 ars kommitté för den juridiska och samhällsvetenskapliga utbildningen. Betänkande 1953. SOL) 1953 15-16. 9 Riksdagen 1957. Kungl Maj:ts proposition nr 86. 10 LUA lur Fak protokoll 1945/46 Ala:44, LUA |ur Fak Yttranden 1954 F3;2. 4i>'