7 'he reform debate riie discussion in rhe iy4o’s and lys'o's resulted in a goxernmenr proposal on a retorined legal education in ly-r", hut this proposal w ill not he compared w ith the final model implemented in lyvS. I'hematicalh’ such a comparison w ill he a part of another planed sur\ e\’, hut some of the major changes in iy>-<S will lie commentated on hrietU’. The de- \ elopment ot the educational reform w ill he treated in chapter 6. Sources and material The interaction hetween legal education and the legal s\’stem is a central field ot legal historical research. Internationalh’, both in Ihirope and in the USA these studies hav e produced an impressive lirerature, hut the historv of the Swedish legal education during the 20th centurv is not especiallv well-studied. Not much hav e been vv ritten about it except some shorter articles and facultv and univ ersitv histories.^ In mv analvsis of the reformof the Swedish legal education in the earlv' 20th centurv some important formativ e factors were especiallIv stressed . .\mong these were rhe importance of the reform initiariv es of the law faculties and the dominating role of the law professsors. The law faculties had the reform initiative during the late lyth centurv and their proposals and suggestions were often accepted hv the political decision-makers. During the late iy4o’s and lyro’s an interesting discussion took place 4 HASSLER, A, Om fakultetens tillkomst och verksamhet. Ur minnesskrift utgiven av juridiska fakulteten i Stockholm vid dess femtioårsjubileum 1957, Stockholm 1957. malmström. a. Ur den juridiska fakultetens historia. Juridiska fakulteten vid Uppsala universitet, Uppsala 1976. Weibull, 1, Lunds universitets historia. Band IV/ 1868-1968, Lund 1968. peterson, c, Rechtsgeschichte als akademische Disziplin in Schweden: Universitätspolitische und wissenschaftstheoretische Reflexionen. From Rechtsgeschichte und Theoretische Dimension. Forschungsbeiträge eines rechtshistorischen Seminars in Stockholm im November 1986. Serien II Rättshistoriska studier. Femtonde bandet. Lund 1990. lindquist, c. Changes in the Swedish educational system 1842 - 1997. bertilsson, margareta. From Elite to Mass Education - What is next. On the Role of the University in the global Age. Both articles from Globalization and its Impact - on Chinese and Swedish Society, Uppsala 2000. 4^4