nanr ideologies has also shaped the eoiulirions ot legal education in inijiorranr asjseers. The strong intluenee ot new eognitixe structures within legal science, esjseciallx legal jxositix isni and legal realism w ith close contacts between the protagonists ot the L ppsala School and the leaders ot Social Democratic jxartx is oh\ iousl\- related to these dual tactors. The intluence ot the \ arious tactors w ill he discussed in chapters ^ and 4. 7'he reform debate During the iy4o’s and earl\’ lys-o’s the discussion on retorming legal education gained momentum. 'The discussion went on w ithin the taculties hut a discussion also took place outside academic circles, both in the Parliament (Riksdag) and w ithin the legal protessions and among otlier grouj'ts. These two discussions sometime interacted and sometime were independent. .\s a part ot the (.iiscussion prominent members ot the law faculties, practitioners and others, puldished articles and organised conterentes with the aim ot modernising the old educational sx’stem. Ditterent etiucational models phned an important role in the dehate and \ arious toreign legal education structures pro\ ided arguments as models tor the Swedish retorm. rraditionalK’ continental etlucational models had been popidar in Sweden and the educational structure ot the other Nordic countries were alwax s xxell knoxx 11, hut in the discussion ot the iy4o’s and iy>‘o’s reterences to the educational systems in .\merica and Ixngland also began to surtace. The discussion in the laxx journal xvill he presented in chapter s’. 3 The development of legal science in the Nordic countries in biörne, l. Patrioter och institutionalister. Den nordiska rättsvetenskapens historia. Del i. Tiden före är 1815, Rättshistoriskt bibliotek, vol 52, Lund 1995. Brytningstiden. Den nordiska rättsvetenskapens historia. Del II. 18151870, Rättshistoriskt bibliotek, vol 58. Lund 1998. Den konstruktiva riktningen. Den nordiska rättsvetenskapens historia. Del III 1871-1910, Rättshistoriskt bibliotek vol 60, Lund 2002. tamm, D. Retsvidenskaben i Danmark - en historisk oversigt, Köbenhavn 1992. sandström, m. Die Herrschaft der Rechtswissenschaft. Rättshistoriskt bibliotek vol 44, Lund 1989. sandström, marie. Slaget om juristutbildningen, juridisk Tidskrift 1998/99 p 584. 413