l.vou I ictor C.oiistatitiu Cdsso (l<S6^-Iyl4) /-./// nisxischcr (’f) Jurist mi dcr L ’i/ivcrsit/it liirtii TOOMAS ANKFAIO Die Lehre ties rimiscbcti Rcchts mi dcr i invcrsitdt I urtii lu dcu Jahreu 1919-1940 n 1-; s I s 11 M I'. T s - c; R o s s 342 Die iuiti()iuils(iz.iiiiistisehe L iiigestdltmig der Jiiristeiidushildmig, iusbesoitdere dit der L iiiversitdt Kiel J (”) R N Y. C K i ; R T 1,(16 Legdl l.diicdtidii Reform in the Kmerging Sivedish Uellmv-Stiite: The Diseodi'se of Legdl Theory vs. Legdl Prdctice in Swedish Legdl IJiiedtion during the i94o’.t' midI9^o^t', . \n Outline c: n R I S T 1 A N n A T n K N 4II Smile or Different Rdth: Compdring the Development of Legdl Seienee with the Development in Soeidl Sciences mid Iliimmiities in 20th Century Linlmid jLKKA Ki: KRONEN 443 1) I K \’ E R I ' .A S S 1-: R - A U 1' 11 O R S 4^-6