Here the Gentile context is stressed: the prevalence of pigs, the locale being Roman Syria, perhaps even the name ‘Legion.’ Again, these features of the episode are not stressed. Again there was no need. Jesus, as a Jew, is bound by Jewish law wherever he might be. That remains the law for Jews even inside the Roman empire. Legal philosophers like Samuel Pufendorf,98 John Austin,99 and Hans Kelsen100 who insist that all law is state law or derives from the authority of the state do no service to the understanding of law in society. 98 Elementorum Jurisprudentiae Universalis Libri Duo, (1960). Pufendorf allows a limited scope for natural law. 99 The Province of Jurisprudence Determined, (1832). 100The Pure Theory of Law, 2d ed. (English translation, Berkeley, C.A., 1967).