für seine politischen Ambitionen war: Die Welt sollte durch Sozialismus dominiert werden und außerdem war das Ziel eine totalitäre Gesellschaft. Bjarup führt seinen Gedankengang wie folgt zu Ende: Durch Bjarups Weise, den Zusammenhang darzustellen, wird Hägerström the man who runs the show! Noch weiter übertrieben wird diese Eigenschaft Hägerströms als ein Napoleon der Wissenschaft im folgenden Zitat von Bjarup: Diese Beschreibung wird vertieft zu einem Bild von Hägerström als den Besiegler des Schicksals der schwedischen Politik im. Jahrhundert: 150 “Anyway, I will try to comprehend the kind of society to which H’s way of thinking leads. On the basis of his theory of knowledge and learning we look forward to the perfect society described in George Orwell’s ‘1984’. A time when ‘the whole world will be united by the same sentiment which united the primeval clan, and which made it’s members think, feel and act as one’ [citat, Passmore, The Perfectability of Man]. Today’s Sweden is on its way to this state of blessedness. H and his henchmen have done a proper job. They realized that it is easier to change people’s attitudes by propaganda than to change things by force, as the Marxists suggest.”10 10 Bjarup, Jes, Reason, Emotion and the Law. Studies in the Philosophy of Axel Hägerström, Aarhus 1982, s. 169. 11 Bjarup, a.a., s. 169. “Hägerström thinks he is an exception, a genius or a great man outside the chain of events. He is a great man not only in the sense of being the man of greatest understanding and wisdom, but also the man of greatest passion with a mission in life, that is directing its course of the chain of events. He then ends up as a philosophical imperialist in analytical disguise, with philosophical and historical success as the sole judge in matters relating to inquiries into the nature of law.”11 “Thus Hägerström’s henchmen have chosen Hägerström’s philosophy as the Pandora’s box of knowledge. Wether this box contains all the blessings of the world or rather all human ills is not in question. It contains all the blessings, and these blessings do not disappear when the box is opened. On the con-