(and Radhrucli's) consistent use of the word Unreeht to signify norms which were referred to as Recht at the time of the rhird Reich hut which Laufs and Radbruch find, 1 assume, to ha\e been "wrough’ made" and therefore ought not to have been referred to as Reclit at the time. (0 ^ind (4) will be less important for m\’ anah'sis on naturalistic images. 1 ha\ e chosen, for good reasons, to subsume e.xamples of \ alidit\’ and binding force under positi\ ism and e.\ampies of universalism ha\ e pnn en scant. Our authors share the occasional remark that law is disco\ered, not made, which 1 take as primarih indicati\e of a naturalist construction of a law existing possibh’ bcwond our time and space.'' LaLifs, in writing about the Shult, has the following to say about the making of law; "Mit .\bsprachen, lunungen, Willkiiren, Satzungen beginnt die Mobilisierung des Rechts: Der Mensch fiiuict und bessert nicht mehr nur das Recht, er gestaltet es nun bewulk selbst" italics mine). With Baker, we find a reference to the law being "re\ealed" (y>) (in this particular case with reference to tentatixe pleading), while (iazzaniga is found using the \ erb "decoiu rir" in speaking of the doctrine's study of ""le droit commun coutumier, le \ rai fond du droit franyais" (ri). "Lfiiel est ce vrai droit naturel franyais.^" he asks (ib.). fhat a contemporarx max’ haxe perceixed dispute settlenient or bookish studx’ as a h'uulni, rex elation or a dccoiivcrtc x'^ one thing." 'fhat our authors textuallx’ construct such an understanding into their respectixe narratix es is another. Intended or not, they therebv leax e the reader xx ith an impression of a laxv preexisting anx’ human act or decision. k'urther, there is the morally laden image of justice or of equitx’. ConcerningJohannes Reuchlin's opinion that "Juden seien Mitbiirger des römischen Reiches" and that "ihr I’ugentumsei darumgrundsät/.lich unantastbar" (■'6), Laufs remarks that it floxxed "letzlich aus 25