1 lenrik I'orshamn Law' as historian's construct. Or 'history' as lawyer's construct. Or, a study of legal theory in legal history. ? l'.\ er\’ project has its birthplace and mine saw the light of dav in a dark and dreary little apartment in Montpellier during the spring of lyyS. I had resoK ed to impro\ e m\’ I'rench hv means of a word hy word stud\- of the legal historical literature my I Vench professor had ad\ ised me to read. I set about m\' task w ith scant enthusiasm and kept m\' attention ali\e h\’ interspersing readings of Oerman and laiglish texts. Working closeh’ wåth legal historical literature in three languages pnned to offer unexpected insights as it made me more keenU’ aware of the different constructions of historical realitt’ w Inch followetl w ith each language. In particular, the \ arious constructions 17