\ernment." Still, he insists that he was appointed by J^nlil. Apart fromthe T en C>ommandments, I laininurahi's code is the most famous legislation of antiquity. Justinian, whose main method ot law making was by cannibalizing ancient sources, could therefore not claim his laws were given by God. But still, "So great is the providence of the Divine I lumanity toward us that it e\ er deigns to sustain us with acts of eternal generosity. .., the Di\ ine 1 fumanity contrix ed that the ancient laws, alreadv encumbered with old age, should through our x igilant care achieve a new elegance and a moderate compass"." Of course, the European Union will not be able to claim that its prixate laxv xvill be made by a god. But I hope that I haxe indicated that somehoxv or other authoritx’ is regarded as important for full acceptance of laxx. This xvill especiallx’ be the case xvhen the new system of laxv is multinational. Exen more, authoritx^ xvill be allimportant if the laxv is not developed as a gradual process, but is incorporated in a piece of legislation, such as a code. Hoxv xvould the Erench react to a German-style code.^ Or x ice xersa.^ Hoxv xvould the hmglish react to any civil laxv sx'stem of a code.- Eortunately, a god is not the sole authority or myth for a people's happiness xvith its laxx'. But it should be noted that the greater the authority--and great authoritx’ xvill be needed for the European Union--the more difficult xvill it be to change the laxv. Rome's greatness in laxv xvas grounded in the d'xvelve I'ables, a codification of the mid-fifth century b.c:. .According to Roman tradition, a delegation xvas sent abroad to study the laxvs of some Greek citx’ states.'- Indeed, according to Eivv y^i.S, the delegation xvas sent to Athens to studx’ the famous laxvs of Solon. Solon xvas not a god, but xvas the most celebrated laxv-maker among the Greeks and 11 De confirmatione Digestorum, pr.; see also the preface to the Institutes. 12 The main sources are Livy 3.31.8: 3.32.6; Dionysius of Halicarnassus 10.51.5; 10.52.4; Cicero De legibus 2.23.59; 2.25.64. 92