ga\e the C^oniniandiiients to Moses, and then other laws (Exodus 2o.i<S and onwards). What is iininediatelv striking about this legislation is that it is gi\ en not to the people heneficiarN’, hut iininediateh' and directh' to one human recipient who is also a leader of the people. So far as 1 am aware, all ancient legislation that is gi\ en h\ a god is declared to one human being, a leader of his people. No authoritx’ for law coidd he greater than legislation gi\en hv a god. d’he human recipient and communicator acquires for himself and the legislation a stature among his people that no human legislator and legislation e\ er could. rhe main characteristic of a mvth is that those full\’ invoked are totallv committed to its truth, whereas outsiders reject it as storethough perhaps an edifx ing one. I'or the account of the law gi\en t(^ Moses 1 am an outsider, k'or m\’ skepticism, apart fromother considerations, 1 rel\’ on two aspects in the acc(3unt in Ivxodus itself. I'irst, like the members of the Idiropean Union, Moses was under great pressure to produce legislation and a new form of court proceedings. d he impetus came e\en from his father-in-law. d'hus, immediateh' before Ciod's inter\ention we have Uxodiis iS.i^ff.: 13 riic next da\ .Moses sat as judge tor rhe people, while the people stood around himtrommorning until ex ening. 14 When Moses' father-in-law saw all that he was doing for the people, he said, "What is this that vou are doing tor the people.' \N In do \'ou sit alone, while all the people stand around xou from morning until evening.-" 15 Moses said to his father-in-law, "Because the people come to me to inquire of (lod. 16 W hen the\' ha\e a dispute, the\ come to me and 1 decide herween one person and another, and I make known to them the statutes and instructions of (lod." 17 .Moses' father-inlaw said to him, "What vou are doing is not good. 18 ^ou will sure!) wear x'ourselfdut, both x'ou and these people with vou. I'or the task is too hea\ \ for vou; vou cannot do it ahxne, 19 Now listen to me. 1 will give vou connsel, and (lod he with vou! ^ou shoidd represent the people before (lod, and x'ou should bring their cases before (lod; 20 teach them the statutes and instructions and make known to them the wax thev are to go and the things 88